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Join Chad Harrington as he teaches the Book of Acts, the next Digging Deep class. The Book of Acts is a New Testament book that covers roughly 30 years of church history—from 30–60 AD—and provides incredible insight into the heart of God for his Church and the lost world. 

How did the church grow? What did the earliest church look like in practice? How did this "Jesus movement" spread? What challenges did they run into? And how can we apply these lessons to the church today? 

This class will help you:

- Gain the necessary tools to engage the Book of Acts for your personal study

- Understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives

- Learn vital lessons about evangelism and church growth

- Gain insight into early church practices and what they mean for us today

- Be inspired to join what God is doing in our lives now


- Online and in-person at Harpeth Christian Church, Room 117 

- Fridays 6:30–8:00 am 

- February 7–March 14, 2022