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The teaching ministry of Harpeth is offering a 6-week class on spiritual formation starting Friday, October 6th, taught by Chad Harrington. 

We want to grow in the character of Christ, but how? This Spiritual Formation class is engineered to help you gain the right understanding and helpful tools to grow in Christ.  

Class sessions will begin with the importance of spiritual formation and move into practical and theologically rich lessons on spiritual disciplines such as:  

- Silence 

- Solitude

- Rest

- Study

- Prayer 

- Fasting

- Service

- Submission

- Confession 

This class is open to all friends, attendees, and members of Harpeth. 

Chad will guide students to develop a personal formation plan based on where they’re at, not where they wish to be. You can start from exactly where you are. Believers from all walks of the faith journey are welcome to join!

The class to help you be formed into the image of Christ. It will help you: 

- Know how spiritual formation works

- Embrace your role and God's role in the formation process

- Take inventory of where you are in your journey

- Understand how the core spiritual practices work together

- Look at Jesus' spiritual formation journey 

- Create your person and practical "spiritual formation plan" for the coming months

- Learn how to write a "rule of life" to help guide you for the long haul


- Time: Friday mornings, 6:30–8:00 am

- Place: In-person at HCC and live-streamed 

- Dates: October 6 - November 10th, 2023